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Cape Cod Hospital Auxiliary Mission Statement

To promote and expand Cape Cod Hospital facilities and services to the highest quality through volunteerism and philanthropy

What Is The Auxiliary?

With over 350 members, the Auxiliary is made up of three area branches and the Auxiliary Thrift Shop. It is governed by a Board of Directors 


Today, the Cape Cod Hospital Auxiliary continues as a volunteer organization with over 350 members with 3 regional branches and the Thrift Shop and we can also provide you websites that offers pain relief from Carpal Tunnel, pain management, and more.

Fundraising Initiatives

Over the of the year our efforts include, Golf Tournaments, Raffles and Auctions, Card Parties, Wine Tasting, and annual holiday fundraising themes.

Golf Tournament

Spring is on the way, and so is our annual Golf Tournament. Keep an Eye open for more details.

Barnstable Branch

Meets at St. David' Episcopal Church, Old Main St., S. Yarmouth 2rd Thursday from Sept. through May 10:00 a.m. Coffee and greetings 10:30 a.m. business meeting followed by Program Speaker

Chatham-Harwich Branch

Meets the 4th Tuesday every other month at the Community Center in Chatham. 10:00 a.m. Business meeting 10:30 a.m. Program Speaker

Orleans Branch

Our branch on the outer and lower Cape is located in Orleans. Come join us and enjoy the fellowship in giving. Meetings first Tuesday of the month. 9:30 a.m. Business meeting 11:00 a.m. Program Speaker

Thrift Shop

The Thrift Shop, located at 690 Main Street, Hyannis provides a large source of income each year in reaching our fundraising objectives. Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 AM to 4 Pm (508) 775-0078 Ext. 1